电工钢 ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (5): 8-12.

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李瑞凤 1 ,司良英 2 ,庞炜光 2 ,田建辉 2 ,赵松山 2 ,胡志远  1 ,马 琳 2    

  1. 1.首钢智新电磁材料研发(北京)有限公司,北京 101300; 
    2.首钢智新电磁材料(迁安)股份有限公司,河北 迁安 064404
  • 出版日期:2024-10-28 发布日期:2024-10-23

Effect of continuous casting electromagnetic stirring on recrystallization of high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel#br#

LI Ruifeng 1, SI Liangying 2, PANG Weiguang 2, TIAN Jianhui 2, ZHAO Songshan 2, HU Zhiyuan 1, MA Lin 2#br#   

  1. 1. Shougang Zhixin Electromagnetic Material R&D (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 101300, China; 
    2. Shougang Zhixin Electromagnetic Materials (Qian'an) Co., Ltd., Qian'an 064404, China
  • Online:2024-10-28 Published:2024-10-23

摘要: 研究了连铸电磁搅拌工艺对0.30 mm厚高磁感取向硅钢磁性能、二次再结晶和初次再结晶的影响规律,结果表明:采用电磁搅拌工艺的样品成品较无电磁搅拌的铁损P1.7/50降低0.04 W/kg、B800提升0.03 T,磁性能更优,主要原因为电磁搅拌工艺下初次再结晶晶粒尺寸更小,二次再结晶温度更低,初次再结晶小角度高斯织构增加,二次再结晶后高斯织构<100>绕ND方向的偏转角更小。

关键词: 取向硅钢, 磁性能, 再结晶, 织构

Abstract: The influence of continuous casting electromagnetic stirring process on the magnetic properties, secondary recrystallization, and primary recrystallization of 0.30 mm thick high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel were studied in this paper. The results showed that the final product samples using electromagnetic stirring process have a lower iron loss of P1.7/50 by 0.04 W/kg and a higher induction of B800 by 0.03 T compared to those without electromagnetic stirring. With electromagnetic stirring process, the high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel has a better magnetic property. The main reason is that for samples under electromagnetic stirring process the grain size of the primary recrystallization is smaller, the temperature of the secondary recrystallization is lower, the proportion of small angle Goss texture of the primary recrystallization is higher, and the deviation angle of the <100> texture around the ND direction is smaller after secondary recrystallization.

Key words: grain oriented silicon steel, magnetic property, recrystallization, texture