电工钢 ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (5): 1-7.

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  1. 1.首钢智新电磁材料研发(北京)有限公司,北京 101300;
    2.首钢智新电磁材料(迁安)股份有限公司,河北 迁安 064400
  • 出版日期:2024-10-28 发布日期:2024-10-23

Development and application research of non-oriented silicon steel technology for driving motors in new energy vehicles

ZHANG Baolei 1, HU Zhiyuan 1 , AN Dongyang 2 , LIU Gongtao 1 , CHENG Lin 1 , ZHU Yuxiu 2 , LI Guanglin 1 , LI Zelin 2    

  1. 1.Shougang Zhixin Electromagnetic Material R&D (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 101300, China;
    2.Shougang Zhixin Electromagnetic Materials (Qian’an) Co., Ltd., Qian’an 064400, China
  • Online:2024-10-28 Published:2024-10-23

摘要: 首钢智新从新能源汽车实际需求出发,自2016年起陆续攻克了高牌号无取向硅钢超低铁损及磁感提升控制技术、超高强度硅钢制造成套关键技术,成功研发出低铁损系列、高磁感系列、超高磁感系列、高强度系列、高强低铁损系列共计5个系列20余款专用无取向硅钢产品,并实现35SWYS900和25SW1250H两个牌号产品全球首发。应用研究表明,首钢智新新能源汽车驱动电机用无取向硅钢产品有助于提升驱动电机的效率、转矩和功率密度。

关键词: 新能源汽车, 驱动电机, 铁损, 强度, 磁感, 无取向硅钢

Abstract: Starting from the actual demand for new energy vehicles, Shougang Zhixin has successively conquered the ultra-low iron loss and magnetic induction enhancement control technology of high-grade non-oriented silicon steel, as well as the key manufacturing technology of ultra-high strength electrical steel. It has successfully developed 5 series, including low iron loss series, high magnetic induction series, ultra-high magnetic induction series, high-strength low iron loss series, and more than 20 specialized non-oriented silicon steel products, and has achieved the world’s first in the 35SWYS900 and 25SW1250H brand products. Applied research showed that the use of new development non-oriented silicon steel products in the drive motors of EV’s can help improve the efficiency, torque, and power density of the drive motors.

Key words: new energy vehicles, drive motor, iron loss, strength, magnetic induction, non-oriented silicon steel