炼钢 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 91-97.

• 节能环保 • 上一篇    



  1. 无锡巨力重工股份有限公司,江苏 无锡 214115
  • 出版日期:2024-12-05 发布日期:2024-11-29

Applications of the new energy vehicles in the metallurgical engineering project

  • Online:2024-12-05 Published:2024-11-29

摘要: 通过新能源车辆与传统车辆的对比,论述了新能源车辆在冶金工程项目上的应用及优势。通过新建项目和现有改造项目上的新能源车辆应用案例介绍,验证了其应用效果及经济效益。实际应用表明:新能源车辆运行灵活,可实现设备安全、人身安全;采用新能源车辆炼钢车间铸造起重机作业时间下降约50%,维护工作量减少约50%,起重机运行中的相互干扰减少;热周转的钢包数量减少1个,钢包寿命提高7%~20%,耐材消耗降低; LF精炼时间缩短0.5~2 min,精炼电耗降低5~9 kWh/t,节约了能耗;节省设备投资,实现错峰用电,降低用电成本30%~40%,由于无电缆烧损,降低了运行费用;炼钢生产成本降低3.43~6.65元/t,吨钢碳排放降低3.7~7.2 kg;传统车辆改造成新能源车辆也很方便,对冶金工程项目采用新能源车替代传统车辆有一定的示范意义。

关键词: 新能源, 车辆, 冶金工程, 节能, 成本, 碳排放

Abstract: By comparing new energy vehicles with traditional vehicles, the application and advantages of new energy vehicles in metallurgical engineering projects were discussed. The application effect and economic benefits of new energy vehicles were conformed through the introduction of application cases on new construction projects and existing renovation projects. Practical applications showed that new energy vehicles operate flexibly and can achieve equipment and personal safety. After adopting new energy vehicles in the steelmaking workshop, the operating time of casting cranes decreased by about 50 %, the maintenance workload decreased by about 50%, and the mutual interference during crane operation was reduced.The number of hot turnover ladles reduced by 1, the lifes of ladles increased by 7%-20%, and the consumption of refractory materials was reduced. The LF refining time shortened by 0.5-2 min, and the refining power consumption reduced by 5-9 kWh/t, the energy consumption was reduced. The equipment investment was saved, due to the implementation of off-peak power consumption, the cost of electricity consumption reduced by 30%-40%. The production cost of steelmaking reduced by 3.43-6.65 yuan/t, and the carbon emissions per ton of steel reduced by 3.7-7.2 kg. It is also convenient to transform traditional vehicles into new energy vehicles, which has certain demonstration significance for metallurgical engineering projects to adopt new energy vehicles instead of traditional vehicles.

Key words: new energy, vehicle, metallurgical engineering, energy saving, cost, carbon emission