炼钢 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 41-51.

• 凝固与浇铸 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨泽宇1,何文远2,赵长亮2,赵宇航1,李贇通1,林芷清1,杨  健1   

  1. 1.上海大学材料科学与工程学院 省部共建高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验室,上海 200444;
    2.首钢京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司 炼钢部,河北 唐山 063200
  • 出版日期:2024-12-05 发布日期:2024-11-29

Influence of flow control devices on flow field of double-strand slab tundish based on water modeling experiments

  • Online:2024-12-05 Published:2024-11-29

摘要: 采用水模拟方法研究了不同控流装置对某钢厂78  t大型双流对称中间包的流场的影响。在1∶4几何比例水模型中,运用粒子图像测速(PIV)、流场示踪剂和RTD曲线等方法从不同的角度研究了有无坝孔、坝与长水口间距、堰与长水口间距、湍流抑制器高度、堰距中间包底部距离和坝高度对中间包内钢液流场的影响。结果表明,随着湍流抑制器高度加大,堰距中间包底部距离减小,中间包钢液平均停留时间显著增加,死区体积分数显著减小。另外,无孔坝可有效抑制短路流的发展,延长钢液的流动距离,增加平均停留时间;增大坝与长水口的间距,平均停留时间先增大后减小;增大堰与长水口的间距,通过坝孔直接流向出钢口的短路流得到发展,平均停留时间呈减小趋势。

关键词: 中间包, 水模拟, 控流装置, PIV测速, 流场示踪剂

Abstract: In the present paper, water modeling was used to study the flow field of a 78 t large double strand symmetrical tundish in a steel plant with different flow control devices.In the 1∶4 scale water model, the particle image velocimetry (PIV), flow field tracer and RTD curve were exploited to study the influence of dam holes, the distance between dam and ladle shroud, the distance between weir and ladle shroud, the height of turbulence inhibitor, the distance between weir and bottom of tundish and the height of dam on the molten steel flow field in tundish from different methods. The results show that with increasing the height of turbulence inhibitor, and decreasing the distance between weir and the bottom of tundish, the average residence times of molten steel in tundish increase obviously, and the volume fractions of dead zone decrease significantly. In addition, the dam without holes can effectively inhibit the development of short-circuit flow, extend the flow distance of molten steel and increase the average residence time. When the distance between the dam and the ladle shroud is increased, the average residence time increases first and then decreases. With increasing the distance between weir and ladle shroud, the short-circuit flow to steel outlet through dam holes is developed, and the average residence time decreases.

Key words: tundish, water modeling, flow control device, PIV speed measurement, flow field tracer