炼钢 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 28-31.

• 炉外精炼 • 上一篇    下一篇


崔宝民1,杨  杰1 ,杨晓江1,李  哲2   

  1. 1.河钢集团唐钢公司 总工程师办公室,河北 唐山 063016;
    2.河钢集团唐钢公司 技术中心,河北 唐山 063016
  • 出版日期:2024-12-05 发布日期:2024-11-29

Exploration on innovation of top slag control process for ultra-low carbon steel

  • Online:2024-12-05 Published:2024-11-29

摘要: 概括了超低碳钢RH顶渣氧化性成因和对钢材质量的影响,以及目前以脱氧改质为主导思想的主要控制工艺的原理、具体方式和实施效果,分析了其工艺控制难点和不足。提出了以隔离为主导思想、以RH真空室造渣为操作方法的新型控制工艺,阐述了其基本原理、理论优势,介绍了初步进行的生产试验情况及应用效果。理论分析和实践结果均表明,以RH真空室造渣为操作方法的新型控制工艺具有易稳控、效果好等优势,可以将出站顶渣的底层渣TFe质量分数稳定控制到4 %以下,相对目前的脱氧改质工艺具有潜在的优势。

关键词: 超低碳钢, 顶渣氧化性, 脱氧改质, RH造渣, 隔离

Abstract: The causes of RH slag oxidation in ultra-low carbon steel and its impact on steel quality, as well as the principles, concrete methods, and implementation effects of the main control process currently dominated by deoxygenation and modification, were summarized. The difficulties and shortcomings of the process control were analyzed. A new control technology with isolation as the main idea and RH vacuum chamber slag-making as the operation method was put forward, its basic principle and theoretical advantages were described, and the preliminary production test and application results were introduced. Both theoretical analysis and practical results indicate that the new control process using RH vacuum chamber slag-making as operation method has the advantages of easy stability control and good effect.And the TFe mass fraction of the bottom layer slag in top slag can be stably controlled to below 4%, which has potential advantages over the current deoxidation and modification process.

Key words: ultra-low carbon steel, oxidation of top slag, deoxygenation and modification, RH slagging, isolate