炼钢 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 63-68.

• 凝固与浇铸 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.首钢京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司 钢轧作业部,河北 唐山 063000;
    2.秦皇岛首钢黑崎耐火材料有限公司 市场部,河北 秦皇岛 066000)
  • 出版日期:2020-10-05 发布日期:2020-10-13

Research and practice of high efficiency operation of steel ladle in full slab continuous casting plant

  • Online:2020-10-05 Published:2020-10-13

摘要: 投入较多的钢包进行周转,会使钢包空包等待时间较长,炼钢能耗增加、钢包热振次数增加、安全运行风险增加。盲目的减少钢包周转数量会出现转炉等包甚至铸机浇铸中断等问题。结合首秦金属材料有限公司的工装设备特点,基于炉机匹配原则,以铸机稳定连续浇铸为核心,进行详细的参数解析。利用核心周期计算方法,计算合理的钢包周转数量,确定了首秦不同铸机搭配浇铸时钢包周转数量。通过加强铸机浇次计划与钢包周转计划的结合,明确各工序标准作业时间,优化工艺路线,加强钢包管理等措施,使钢包周转个数由平均13.5个降低到12个。

关键词: 钢包, 连铸机, 炉机匹配, 钢包周转计划

Abstract: If more ladles are put in for turnover,the waiting time for empty ladles will be longer,the energy consumption of steelmaking will increase,and the number of thermal vibration times of ladles will increase. Blindly reducing the turnover of ladle will lead to problems such as converter waiting for ladles and even the interruption of casting machine. Combined with the characteristics of equipment of Shouqin Metal Material Co.,Ltd.,the detailed parameter analysis was carried out based on the principle of furnacecaster matching and with the caster stable continuous casting as the core. The core cycle calculation method was used to calculate the reasonable turnover quantity of ladle and determine the turnover quantity of ladle when different casting machines were used in Shouqin. By strengthening the combination of casting machine casting schedule and ladle turnover plan,clarifying the standard operating time of each process,optimizing the process route,and strengthening ladle management,the number of ladle turnover was reduced from 13.5 to 12.

Key words: steel ladle, continuous caster, furnacecaster matching, ladle turnover plan